Beth Sturges

Beth (she/her) is a Minnesota native and has been playing instruments since primary school. She started on piano, and blossomed into a band nerd in high school where she focused on woodwinds. She played clarinet and flute in small ensembles, pit orchestra, and regional honor bands (including the St. Olaf Festival Band).

Continuing to play as often as possible, Beth's collegiate career began by studying clarinet with Marianne Connelly at CSS while maintaining membership in woodwind ensembles as well as concert band and intercollegiate honor band. She shifted into Music Therapy at UWEC, where she added saxophone (and marching band!) to the mix, studying with Drs. Fletcher, Garvey, Ostrander and Dickerson. She also found her passion for helping people of all ages learn music in a way that makes sense to them.

In her spare time, she enjoys working on creative projects like cosplays & knitting, expanding her skills as a baker, and raising two orange cats with her wife, Jane.

Beth teaches on THURSDAYS and has slots available NOW!

Take lessons from Beth